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CasterLive DJ

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CasterLive DJ is the software for performing point-to-point live audio broadcasts with low latency.

Send and receive professional quality audio over any Internet connection, including cellular, WiFi and LAN/WAN connections.

Inonda users who access CasterLive DJ can interact with Inonda broadcast, preview the station from an audio output on the computer and use any audio capture device (e.g. a microphone) to transmit signal on the main stream of the station.

Multiple users can be connected to the same station with their own CasterLive DJ and can perform remote interventions.


General features:


Low latency audio streaming (< 2 seconds) to the Inonda station and fast broadcast preview.

Simultaneous audio transmission and reception from multiple locations.

Possibility to set the transmission quality.

Secondary audio channel for communications between connected users.

Dedicated chat for text communications between connected users.

No need to open UDP ports in the router.

Service connection protected by password and different login credentials for each user.

Automatic reconnection in case of disconnection.